Wow…I have been needing to write. But I just haven’t had the chance.
I turned 21 Saturday!!!!!…But I still haven’t bought any alcohol. I was thinking about buying some tomorrow and have margarita night at the house.
That probably won’t happen.
Well this weekend was pretty great. I got to see family that I hadn’t seen in YEARS!. I really enjoyed seeing them. We had a family cookout and it went well. We had a lot of family members show up. Some couldn’t make it but that is understandable.
After the cookout I had to go to work. I started my job about 1 week ago. I’m really enjoying it. At first, I thought I couldn’t handle it but I think I’m doing well. It is fun helping ppl and my co-workers are great.
After work I went to Fulton’s Annual Singing. I got there and everyone yep coming up to me and telling my happy birthday and I didn’t think anything about it. I just kept telling everyone thank you. Well just about the time I saw Mrs. Teresa, The band started singing Happy Birthday to me in front of everyone. I was so cool. Even thought my feet were killing me and I didn’t fell good. My Birthday ended well.
My weekend was pretty great.
But my week…that is a totally different story. I had to drop my accounting class because I couldn’t get the code I needed for the class. And I kind of feel bad for dropping it but I had no other choice.
But on the up side, I got to dog sit for my grandmother today. I had fun until the puppy started to do her “business” in the living room. She got a spanking for that 3 times today. I took her out about 4 different times and she would come back inside to do the her “business.” It made me sooo mad! Dad took her home about 3.

I have been kind of lost since then. I normally baby-sit in the afternoons but I got a call this morning telling me that I didn’t need to go pick up the kids from school. So this afternoon has been kind of quite and boring compared to the usual loud yelling, laughing, hustle and bustle that it usually is in the afternoons after school.
On one hand I was bored but on the other I was kind if glad. I need a day off. I have work for 4 straight days and was needing some time off.
Oh…well. Now I’m not sure what to write about. I’m kind of still lost. I’m not use to being home on a Monday night. I really should be doing the outline for my religion research paper…but I’m not.
So I will let you all go. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
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