Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One HOT Mama!!!

It has been pretty exciting today at my house and last night too. My dad and I were in the computer room, when we started smelling something burning. Dad thought it was the computer. So we unplugged everything and the smell got worse. Come to find out it was the air-conditioner. The drainage pipe is stopped up and the water was backing up into the unit and all the ducts. So we turn it off and dad started sucking the water out with the wet vac. The water just kept filling back up. no A/C in my house last night. This morning my dad called Air-Masters to come out and look at it. That was at 7:30 this morning and they just arrived at 3:00 this afternoon. It took them about 20 minutes to fix the problem. But it is so hot in the house I’m still sweating and it is 93 degrees outside.
To a an eventful day!